4 Disrupts Circadian Rhythm
The circadian rhythm is the body’s internal clock that helps you sleep at night and wake in the…
5 Impairs Cognition
Sleepiness has been proven to slow down your thought process and leads to lowered concentration and alertness. This…
6 Makes You Forgetful
Poor sleep causes significant memory loss, especially in the elderly. A study found that while we sleep our…
7 Weakens Immune System
Poor sleep can seriously compromise your immune system. Several studies have revealed that out T-cell count goes down…
8 Causes Weight Gain
It’s a vicious cycle. You poor yourself a cup 0f coffee at work and reach for the donut…
9 Greater Risk of Injury
The National Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 100,000 automobile crashed due to drowsy drivers. Sleepiness will also make…
10 Ages Skin
Poor sleep habits can wreak havoc on the skin. When you sleep poorly, your body releases a stress…
1 Paraneoplastic Neurological Syndromes
Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes are a group of disorders that affect people that are fighting cancer. This occurs when…
2 Pheochromocytoma
Pheochromocytoma translates in greek to ” dark- colored- celled tumor.” It is found in the medulla, adrenal glands,…
3 Landau Kleffner Syndrome
Landau Kleffner Syndrom, also known as Acquired Epileptic Aphasia, is the abnormal inability to understand and express language. . This…
4 Agnosia
Agnosia comes from the greek word for ignorance or absence of knowledge. Patients with agnosia fail to recognize…