An Unhealthy Body Produces Memory Problems

Memory problems stem from an unhealthy body, in most cases. Proper nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle that includes socialization and mental stimulation keep your body healthy in all areas, including the brain.

Researchers who are trying to identify how brain cells degenerate have also been looking into how common metabolic illnesses, like high blood pressure and diabetes, can lead to memory loss and different problems in brain function.

Metabolic disorders happen because the body is not able to absorb or break down the food you eat. When your body can’t absorb the fuel it takes in all functions, especially brain functions, start to break down. A group of risk factors that, when put together, increase your risk of diabetes, stroke and coronary artery disease make up metabolic syndrome. Most important of these factors are a high fat content around your middle, and insulin resistance to regulate your blood sugar. Too much sugar in your body, or too little, has an effect on all the functions in your body, including your kidneys and your brain.

A French study that consisted of over 7,000 participants of both men and women ages 65 and older who had at least three of the following cardio-metabolic disorders were included:

  • Significant amount of fat around the waistline
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Low, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)
  • High levels of triglycerides — fatty molecules

Each of the participants were given a series of visual, language tests and memory tests and then divided into groups according to age, gender, IQ scores, education levels, and if they tested for a high or low level of a protein-like substance called beta-amyloid 42.
Beta-amyloid 42 has recently been found to be a possible indicator to foretell if a person is at risk for developing Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. If so, they will be able to administer a simple blood test that will unveil a predisposition to this condition.

The results of this French study showed that generally several of the metabolic markers have a negative impact on memory as well as other cognitive functions in older people. From this and other similar studies researchers are getting closer in being able to identify markers that can lead to memory decline.

What is encouraging is the fact that a healthy lifestyle, and keeping the mind stimulated with brain games or memory techniques, have also shown the potential to fight off any memory problems in later life.

My name is Ron White, memory keynote speaker. Leading a healthy lifestyle is always recommended for increasing your memory and the potential for improving you memory.

Memory Training


Neurology website – Article: Metabolic syndrome and cognitive decline in French elders: The Three-City Study:

Science AAA’s website- Alzheimer’s disease: a disorder of cortical cholinergic innervation:

Neurological Review – The Role of Metabolic Disorders in Alzheimer Disease and Vascular Dementia:

Medline Plus – Genetic Brain Disorders:

PubMed Health — Metabolic Syndrome:

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