Andi Bell World Memory Champion
I have personally never met Andi Bell a former World Memory Champion although I would like to. He…
The Indian National Memory Championship 2011
National Memory Council of India under the Chairmanship of Squadron Leader Jayasimha, Octuple Guinness World Record Holder and…
2011 UK Memory Championship
New World Record at the UK Open memory Championships For the second year running MWB Business Exchange sponsored…
Study Skills
It’s not the smartest students who get the best grades, it’s the students who think smarter. They have…
History of Memory Training
People often as me if I was born with a special memory ability, and when I realized I…
How to Memorize a Poem
There is an event at the USA Memory Championship to see who can memorize the most words from…
Building a Memory Palace
I want to show you how you can build a memory palace, but first you need to know…
Humor as a Language Memory Tool
When most teachers of beginning languages are asked what they think is the most important skill a student…
Listening Skills and Memory
Improving and training a person’s memory can be a professional, as well as personal, relationship builder. I is…
The Mind Makes The Man
“It is the mind that makes the man . . .” This is a quote from the Roman…
Teen Binge Drinking and Memory
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as ‘a pattern of drinking that brings…
Age Related Memory Loss
Although some scientists argue that memory loss is not age related, there is more statistical research to support…